Would you feel funny pulling out your Bible and reading it while waiting, say, in the doctors office, or as a friend of mine just did, waiting for her daughter to take the permit test for her drivers license.
Would this be easier?

What is it? It says on the detail that it's a Biblezine. It's the complete New Testament. How cool is this? It has great Q & A's and articles of interest.
Why do non-christians or non-church goers think that we (christians and church goers) have all the answers. We just know where to go to get the answers!
I love my Biblezine and my dear friend just gave hers away to someone that thought it was cool! And they make them for kids and in styles for girls and boys.
Know a teenage boy into skateboarding and guitar? Would he feel free to open this magazine (Biblezine) and read it on the bus or in study hall?

Know a gangster type of guy that likes rap and cars? I bought this for one of the teens in our church....he was awed at how it 'talked' to him!

One for young men to read in the breakroom! Or maybe leave one in the breakroom for others to read!

One for girls that are going through that tough time of BOYS (it was so much eaiser when boys had "cooties"!) God can show them the path and give them peace!

And for the younger girls--I think this just about covers them all!

These are great tools, and I'm not ashamed of pulling out my Bible, but if we can use these as tools to get people interested that aren't at the 'place' we are, why not use it! Plus they are inexpensive enough to 'give' to interested parties!
I read today in my Biblezine:
When God's Spirit opens your eyes, Scripture's a place where you can meet the living God!
It's an awesome place.
Our old pastors favorite scripture is Hebrews 11:6
Without faith no one can please God. Anyone who comes to God must believe that he is real and that he rewards those who truly want to find him.
God does not move or turn his back, he stays the same, yesterday, today and tomorrow. If you've never felt close, or don't feel as close as you once did, search, and you will find Him! He loves you! He's waiting for you! He'll NEVER let go!!!