I thought I would just have an easy day. No dream last night, so I could just sail through my day and not try to deal with anything God showed me during my sleep!
I had a restless night. My body is in pain from all the rain! So I thought, a few minutes with Joyce (Joyce Meyers--starts at 7:30AM) then do some of my Bible Study by Joanna Weaver, and then whatever....maybe a nap, a couple of soaps .
Then, dear daughter says she feels like she's going to throw-up--as she's standing by my bed!
And little did I know that Joyce was going to have on a specialist, Dr. Linda Mintle, who knows like all kinds of stuff that 'screws' with our self-esteem--including eating disorders! Dang--thought I had an easy day coming and now I have to stretch myself again!
...................................He gave me the answer
I'm tired. I'm frustrated. I feel so many good are not getting the good and so many bad seem to be prospering.
I don't want to be afraid of God! I want to worship Him...not to have the Hell scared out of me!
I feel God is getting ready to stretch me! And I don't stretch so easy any more.
You see, I ask for God to show me things in my dreams. Then is upsets me, when I wake up and 'clearly' know what He is saying to me!
My friend, Felicia, committed suicide. Not only was she my friend, she was a faithful Christian and my preachers' wife. I loved her so much. I respected her so much. And I miss her so much! She was bi-polar and I truly believe it had taken over her mind and body at the time of her death. But just within the last 2 weeks, the Lord showed me that Felicia would not have wanted me to 'worship' a human, and by no way one who committed suicide. I should not condemn her--not my job--but I should not 'worship' her. This is hard to look at. I still feel the sting and the pain and even a little guilt.
As if that is not enough for God to put on me.......This week I got another dream.
You know these political commercials that have the candidates 'approving' the commerical, by saying, the announcement has been approved by me!
Well, the Lord asked me how many days He can say, 'your day has been approved by me!' Well, NONE!
So, what, I'm being tested here!?! Well, 'yes'!
I want to be connected!
I'm not a patient person, by nature! So after all this searching, here it is!
Yeap, it's that easy!
Hey, I don't have to be, I will rest in His arms. I will fight, I will praise, I will not quit!
2 Timothy 1
7 For God has not given us a spirit of fear and timidity, but of power, love, and self-discipline.
Most of these thoughts and words are not mine. I have the Holy Spirit alive in me....and often have no idea what is going to be written until I read it as it is being typed. It's awesome!
I love my life...most of the time. Daddy always said, these are the cards you've been dealt, no re-dos, do the best with what you've got! I sure did love that man!