This is the time of graduations..............
The ending of one thing and the beginning of a new thing!
I have a niece and a nephew in St. Louis that graduated last week and this week. My niece graduated an A student from Lindenwood University in St. Charles, Mo. She is on her way to St. Louis University to get her Masters. She is going to be a Crimminoligist in Phychology and teach. She plans on getting her her mother. My nephew is graduating in Bridgeton, Mo and planning to attend college in Virginia and wants to create video games...........hey, it's a dirty job, but somebodies got to do it! These things are amazing and you got to be good just to play the things, I can't amagen trying to create one!
Well, I got this card that reads:
As you graduate from High School.......
"Life is filled with as many possibilities as there are stars in the sky."
As you graduate from high school and head out for new adventures, don't be afraid to reach for the stars, because you deserve all the best life has to offer! Congratulations!
And I will add this..............
You placed the stars in the sky and You know them by name
You are amazing God. All powerful
Awestruck we fall to our knees as we humbly proclaim
You are amazing God.
(Indescribable (Chris Tomlin) – © Six Step Records – 2004)
Just remember who placed those stars for you to reach for. You will know when you reach for the right one, for you will feel His joy…..and there is nothing more awesome than feeling Gods joy!
What good is it to succeed and get from point A to point B if point C is where God wanted you. And how do you know what God wants you to do? Well, you ask Him! You develope a ralationship with Him, basiclly the same way you would with a good friend. And His wishes will be made known to you and doors will open. You will feel His joy. Laura, my 15 yr old daughter aways said she could feel God smile in her heart! That is joy!
So, I leave you with this................
Monday, May 26, 2008
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
Memorial Day...............
My era was Vietnam.....and it was turbulent, to say the least! I was in college in the late 60's and early 70's and there was almost as much fighting in the US over the Vietnam 'conflict' as there was in Vietnam! It was horrible. I know a man that got spit on in the airport after returning from 12 months in Vietnam. He was a Seal, in the Navy and could have killed the person with his bare hands, but he said he was so surprised, he did nothing.
But my dad, and my husband's dad are survivors of WWII. I never thought of my dad as a 'war' hero. He was just my hero. I guess because he was in the war before I was born.
My daddy was drafted into the Kentucky National Guard. Never wanted to leave Kentucky and never wanted to do anything but be a farmer! It didn't end that way, but when I get to heaven, I know I'll have all the tomatoes I can eat!
Dad was in a group named the Avengers of Bataan and I never knew much about it until my daughter did a paper on WWII a year or two back and wanted to make it personal and wrote about her 'pa' in the war. Now, my dad had died about 8 years before, so we got my mom's scrapbook out with all his orders and all the newspaper articles written about his group and it was eye-opening.

"The Avenger's of Bataan"
Commissioned by the 38th Division Association in 1999 to commemorate one of the most important events in the 38th Division's history, The Battle of Zig Zag Pass. Fought in the Phillipines during World War Two, The Battle of Zig Zag Pass was the turning point that led to the surrender of Japanese forces in the Phillipine Islands. As a result of the 38th Division's heroic performance during this battle, General Douglas MacArthur dubbed the 38th, "The Avenger's of Bataan".
Here I am going to copy a short article about what my dad did in the war. A very dangerous area and assignment. But his faith in God was strong, and he told my mom before he left to go oversea (for 22 long months) that God had assured him he would be returning home alive....he always said, he didn't know in what shape, but alive. He had to battle Malaria when he got home, and almost died from that, but never got over the war. Loved John Wayne, but would not even watch him in war movies!
Ghost Soldiers by Hampton Sides - The Bataan Death March was just the beginning of the woes American soldiers captured by the Japanese army in the Philippines had to endure. The survivors of the march faced not only their captors' regular brutality (having surrendered, they were considered to be less than honorable foes), but also a host of illnesses such as dysentery and malaria. For three years these "ghost soldiers" lived in misery, suffering terrible losses.
When Army Rangers among Douglas MacArthur's forces arrived in the Philippines, they hatched a daring plan to liberate their captured comrades, a mission that, if successful, would prove to be a tremendous morale booster at the front and at home. Led by a young officer named Henry Mucci (called "Little MacArthur" for his constant pipe as well as his brilliance as a strategist), a combined Ranger and Filipino guerrilla force penetrated far behind enemy lines, attacked Japanese forces guarding Allied prisoners at a jungle outpost called Cabanatuan, and shepherded hundreds of prisoners to safety, with an angry Japanese army in hot pursuit. Amazingly, they suffered only light casualties.
In Ghost Soldiers, journalist Hampton Sides recounts that daring rescue, once known to every American schoolchild but now long forgotten. A gifted storyteller, Sides packs his narrative with detailed descriptions of the principal actors on both sides of the struggle and with moments of danger and exhilaration. Thrilling from start to finish, his book celebrates the heroism of hundreds of warriors and brings renewed attention to one of the Rangers' finest hours. --Gregory McNamee, Editorial Review
I copied this from:
Now this brings it home. I don't know how many parents can watch this without a tear rolling down their cheek....but if you can....shame on you!
God Bless you! Your one of the lucky ones that came home safe and you'll spend the rest of your life trying to forget those months!
So the next time we see soldiers, let's take the politics out of it. Let's take the example of the video's short....please take the time to watch it.
And I always like to end with music. It's normally new Christian....but somehow that wasn't what grabbed me today............
But for those of you that like the newer stuff.....I love this one too...........
And if you want.....some more salutes to those who serve...........
To honor my father-in-law, Robert George Hortter, received three Purple Hearts and my daddy, Alma Ray Story Born 14, Jun 1917 Died 5 Feb 1997. I miss you daddy, but will be with you in eternity!
And to all who served!
Monday, May 19, 2008
We have it so easy in todays time....
I'm in the Bible Study on my yarn website of 'Bible in 90', which isn't that hard, because there is a website that reads it to you! I do have my Bible open so I can underline and make notes and later post them on a message board. It's way cool. Genesis was great and fun to discuss, but I just finished Exodus......and WOW. Oh, the first part is very cool with Moses and there is a lot to discuss, but then the tables the incense the blood the curtains and on and on.....I was obedient and read/listened to it all and tomorrow I start Leviticus. I must say, it's been a while since I just read through the Old Testament! Now I remember why.
Now for a song, and then I'll tell you why I chose this one!Do you really know what the Jews had to go through to be faithful to God? All those sacrifices, and I haven't gotten to the ones of the people, just Aaron and Moses and their outfits and the Tabernacle. And they talk of embroidering....that was all hand done and took lots of time. Hammering of gold and finely twisted linen and blue, purple and scarlet yarn and so on and so on.............
We have the 'Blood of Jesus'. The perfect sacrifice! It doesn't hurt us a bit....until we believe and realize what a sacrifice it was....and you really don't know until you have children! Oh, to put my daughter up there....I couldn't...but God loved us so much....He allowed it!
I warn you, this is not for the weak at heart or those possessed with the devil, he will not like you watching this!I warned you, this is hard to watch....but it is the truth. It is documented by witnesses....over 500. It happened almost 2000 years ago and would not still be known as the truth if it were not so!
May God moving in your heart and let you see the truth and the truth will set you free!
Now for a song, and then I'll tell you why I chose this one!Do you really know what the Jews had to go through to be faithful to God? All those sacrifices, and I haven't gotten to the ones of the people, just Aaron and Moses and their outfits and the Tabernacle. And they talk of embroidering....that was all hand done and took lots of time. Hammering of gold and finely twisted linen and blue, purple and scarlet yarn and so on and so on.............
We have the 'Blood of Jesus'. The perfect sacrifice! It doesn't hurt us a bit....until we believe and realize what a sacrifice it was....and you really don't know until you have children! Oh, to put my daughter up there....I couldn't...but God loved us so much....He allowed it!
I warn you, this is not for the weak at heart or those possessed with the devil, he will not like you watching this!I warned you, this is hard to watch....but it is the truth. It is documented by witnesses....over 500. It happened almost 2000 years ago and would not still be known as the truth if it were not so!
May God moving in your heart and let you see the truth and the truth will set you free!
Saturday, May 17, 2008
That's my King, do you know Him?
I wanted to post a beautiful picture of 'The names of God' right here, and then was so turned off the everybody wants to 'sell' me a poster! So, I choose one version (beside God) that describes God to me.

Yes, the simple "I AM".
But then I found this on YOUTUBE that says it so much better, and be sure to listen to the end....when he says, I wish I could describe Him....I laughed through my tears.
If you are searching, then you haven't found Him! Think of your life, as a wholeness. Then think of it as a jigsaw puzzle. Ever done on of those. Ever lost one piece. That's how you feel. There is only one piece that will make you whole, that is God our Father!
If you are search, don't be deceived! God is good, but Oprah, He is jealous! His jealousy is pure....not as our jealousy.....He created us to worship Him. He is to be the center of our lives. He is to be above all else....but He gave us free will. What good is our worship of Him if He made us only to worship Him. He wants us to choose to worship Him.
If you are searching..........
don't stop until you find the one and only true God. The God that loves you so much, He sent His one and only Son, Jesus Christ, to lead a perfect life, and take all sin to the cross and die for our sins.
John 3:16 tells us:
16 "For God loved the world so much that he gave his one and only Son, so that everyone who believes in him will not perish but have eternal life.17 God sent his Son into the world not to judge the world, but to save the world through him.
This 'sums' it up, short and sweet!
1 Saviour plus 3 Nails equals 4 Given!
Yes, the simple "I AM".
But then I found this on YOUTUBE that says it so much better, and be sure to listen to the end....when he says, I wish I could describe Him....I laughed through my tears.
If you are searching, then you haven't found Him! Think of your life, as a wholeness. Then think of it as a jigsaw puzzle. Ever done on of those. Ever lost one piece. That's how you feel. There is only one piece that will make you whole, that is God our Father!
If you are search, don't be deceived! God is good, but Oprah, He is jealous! His jealousy is pure....not as our jealousy.....He created us to worship Him. He is to be the center of our lives. He is to be above all else....but He gave us free will. What good is our worship of Him if He made us only to worship Him. He wants us to choose to worship Him.
If you are searching..........
don't stop until you find the one and only true God. The God that loves you so much, He sent His one and only Son, Jesus Christ, to lead a perfect life, and take all sin to the cross and die for our sins.
John 3:16 tells us:
16 "For God loved the world so much that he gave his one and only Son, so that everyone who believes in him will not perish but have eternal life.17 God sent his Son into the world not to judge the world, but to save the world through him.
This 'sums' it up, short and sweet!
1 Saviour plus 3 Nails equals 4 Given!
Thursday, May 15, 2008
I'm going to take a different path today......
The Narrow and Wide Gates
Matthew 7:13-14 NIV
13."Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it.
14.But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it.
This is the NLT translation...maybe for those that don't know what gate the NIV was talking about!
The Narrow Gate
13 "You can enter God's Kingdom only through the narrow gate. The highway to hell* is broad, and its gate is wide for the many who choose that way.14 But the gateway to life is very narrow and the road is difficult, and only a few ever find it.
Normally, I have a message and some well chosen pictures and some funny stuff to add to it, but today my heart is heavy.
I want to know if I am the woman God intends me to be. Not the woman He wanted me to be yesterday, or the woman He expects me to be tomorrow.....but right at this moment in I fall short?
I know I fall short of who I--in the flesh want to be! I'm not as pretty, or rich or skinny as I WANT to be....but again, I'm a work in progress!
But am I who God wants me to be. I don't even know if people read my ramblings, unless I email them and tell them I felt a spiritual thing in my soul to share something. Then I think most of my friends read it.
But should that be important? Shouldn't it be enough that I am obedient to God and do what He want me to do?
And what in the world has made me re-evaluate at this point in my life?
I think it has been a series of things.
First, the loss of my dear friend, and pastors wife, to suicide!
Second, the loss of our pastor, who 18 months after his wife's death, leaves the church.
Third, an interim minister who has brought healing to a broken church.
Fourth, an awesome series through our church of 'No Perfect People'
Fifth, the sermon of Paul Washer, which I have included below.
Sixth, the Mother's Day gift from my daughter, of a Study Bible in the NIV translation.
and Seventh, the group on Raverly, Bible in 90, which has me digging into the Bible in an extremely pleasant way.
These have all taken place in the last 25 months. But it has also taken 'work' on my part to have the desire to be healed and to grow.
I was very fortunate to have been given the parents I had. My mom is 86 and has Alzheimer's, but has enjoyed a fairly healthy life. My dad went home to be with the Lord 10 years ago, and also had Alzheimer's. My dad was an alcoholic, but not a mean alcoholic. He was a very positive person, and that has always shaped my attitude about things. His values and morales where high and well placed. I miss him and can't wait to have another one of his long bear hugs!
My walk with the Lord was non-existent until I came to my present church. Oh, I attended church regularly as a child.....but I had a drug problem.....I was drug to church! I attend some after being married, and then it was only on special occasions and religious holidays.
Then I came to this church in Alabama, and I knew I had met people who cared about my soul! They told me to READ the Bible. I'd always been told that the minister would interpret the Bible for me. After all, he spent years studying it. But learning that it has God's breath in it, and He has a message, just for me, every time I open it! It's unbelievable.....until you live it!
Well, I think this is long enough for today, but I leave you with Paul Washer! A man who loves God and wants everyone to hear the will set you free!
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
It's been a long time since I've been this excited.....
I joined a group on my Ravelry page called 'Bible in 90'! After you watch the news, you truly wonder if there are any other Christians outside of your church!
I am finding so many websites that are praising God and restoring my faith that the earth has not completely turn to 'Sodom and Gomorrah'. I must stay dilligent and know that God will bring people in my path, and I should be bold in thought, word and deed! My obiedence may make the difference in someone spending eternity in the pit of hell, or the wonderous heavenly home my Father is preparing for me!
I am a lover of music....almost any kind. I'm not found of the new 'scream-o' or heavy metal (since Jimmy Hendrix died), but love BB King to Randy Travis! Chris Tomlin to Garth Brooks. But I have a kid I have been mentoring that listens to rap and found this on GodTube today! I'm going to buy the album for him. (Couldn't get the GodTube one to I found it on youtube!)
Now I love these guys! I have several of their albums......I'm going to have to get this one................(Blind Boys of Alabama!)
This is the first on of theirs I ever heard!
And here is BB King!!!!
And here is the story of Lucille.....
May you all have a blessed day!
I am finding so many websites that are praising God and restoring my faith that the earth has not completely turn to 'Sodom and Gomorrah'. I must stay dilligent and know that God will bring people in my path, and I should be bold in thought, word and deed! My obiedence may make the difference in someone spending eternity in the pit of hell, or the wonderous heavenly home my Father is preparing for me!
I am a lover of music....almost any kind. I'm not found of the new 'scream-o' or heavy metal (since Jimmy Hendrix died), but love BB King to Randy Travis! Chris Tomlin to Garth Brooks. But I have a kid I have been mentoring that listens to rap and found this on GodTube today! I'm going to buy the album for him. (Couldn't get the GodTube one to I found it on youtube!)
Now I love these guys! I have several of their albums......I'm going to have to get this one................(Blind Boys of Alabama!)
This is the first on of theirs I ever heard!
And here is BB King!!!!
And here is the story of Lucille.....
May you all have a blessed day!
Saturday, May 3, 2008
Did you ever let somebody down...........
I am struggling with importance. I know it's not a matter of life and death, but if you want something for a special day, or event and but for no reason of your own, it does come.....aren't you disapointed.
Well, I gave this booking party, for 'Thirty-one'. I think this is my friends site. It's a Christian based business and has some quality products. Neat stuff!
Well, back to my story.......
Now I'm waiting for the shipment so I can deliver the orders. And one of my dear friends is waiting for purse to take on vacation and now the company says it should ship at the beginning of the week and she leaves Wed am! It's going to be close!
I hate letting people down...........
Now you ask, how am I going to tie this in...........
I have let my Father down soooo many times.....and didn't even think about it. I've never not heard and alcoholic say, 'I'm not hurting anyone else, just myself' and that is so false. I've seen my whole family shed so many tears over my dad's drinking. I wonder how many I caused......
I wonder how many times I hurt my Fathers heart? It's one thing to hurt someone, and be so sorry, but it's another thing to hurt their heart and not even care.
We have a heavenly Father that cares about everything in our lives. And like a good Father, no matter what....He loves us. He forgives us and what still amazes me.....when we ask to be forgiven we are and He forgets our sins!

It is a great feeling to have this knowledge. It is a great responsiblity to do what doesn't hurt the Father. And the only way to know this is to read the instruction book..........

Read your Bible everyday! When I'm rushed and don't think I have time, if I'm faithful to take the time, God always gives me the power to get all my 'stuff' done. He's AMAZING!!!
Well, I gave this booking party, for 'Thirty-one'. I think this is my friends site. It's a Christian based business and has some quality products. Neat stuff!
Well, back to my story.......
Now I'm waiting for the shipment so I can deliver the orders. And one of my dear friends is waiting for purse to take on vacation and now the company says it should ship at the beginning of the week and she leaves Wed am! It's going to be close!
I hate letting people down...........
Now you ask, how am I going to tie this in...........
I have let my Father down soooo many times.....and didn't even think about it. I've never not heard and alcoholic say, 'I'm not hurting anyone else, just myself' and that is so false. I've seen my whole family shed so many tears over my dad's drinking. I wonder how many I caused......
I wonder how many times I hurt my Fathers heart? It's one thing to hurt someone, and be so sorry, but it's another thing to hurt their heart and not even care.
We have a heavenly Father that cares about everything in our lives. And like a good Father, no matter what....He loves us. He forgives us and what still amazes me.....when we ask to be forgiven we are and He forgets our sins!
It is a great feeling to have this knowledge. It is a great responsiblity to do what doesn't hurt the Father. And the only way to know this is to read the instruction book..........
Read your Bible everyday! When I'm rushed and don't think I have time, if I'm faithful to take the time, God always gives me the power to get all my 'stuff' done. He's AMAZING!!!
Thursday, May 1, 2008
What is armor for? Protection!
Why wouldn't someone use it, if it was a free gift?
Police have to pay (lots) for bullet-proof vest....but how many are still walk around because they put it on?
I thought this was very interesting. I have great respect for police officers. It's on the list of 'what I wouldn't want my husband to do for a living'!
So when you think of 'armor', is this what you picture?

Or as us girls would thing of our knight in shining armor, riding up on a beautiful white horse, to rescue us.......
Once upon a time.........
Yeah, yeah, yeah....bought the tee shirt, wore it out, through it away!
I love my husband and he loves me.....but he's not perfect and can't (nor would I want him) to be by my side 24/7 to protect me!
So, I......

and now for the rest of the story....
Ephesians 6:14-18
14 Stand your ground, putting on the belt of truth and the body armor of God's righteousness.15 For shoes, put on the peace that comes from the Good News so that you will be fully prepared.*16 In addition to all of these, hold up the shield of faith to stop the fiery arrows of the devil.*17 Put on salvation as your helmet, and take the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God.
18 Pray in the Spirit at all times and on every occasion. Stay alert and be persistent in your prayers for all believers everywhere.*
You see, my God is with me always, as if there is no one else for Him to be with! He gives me power.........He gives me armor!
Did you see the part about Fiery arrows of the devil! Wow!

This is a little scarry...but I must walk by faith....and not by sight!
Thank you God for loving your children so!
Why wouldn't someone use it, if it was a free gift?
Police have to pay (lots) for bullet-proof vest....but how many are still walk around because they put it on?
I thought this was very interesting. I have great respect for police officers. It's on the list of 'what I wouldn't want my husband to do for a living'!
So when you think of 'armor', is this what you picture?

Or as us girls would thing of our knight in shining armor, riding up on a beautiful white horse, to rescue us.......
Once upon a time.........
Yeah, yeah, yeah....bought the tee shirt, wore it out, through it away!
I love my husband and he loves me.....but he's not perfect and can't (nor would I want him) to be by my side 24/7 to protect me!
So, I......
and now for the rest of the story....
Ephesians 6:14-18
14 Stand your ground, putting on the belt of truth and the body armor of God's righteousness.15 For shoes, put on the peace that comes from the Good News so that you will be fully prepared.*16 In addition to all of these, hold up the shield of faith to stop the fiery arrows of the devil.*17 Put on salvation as your helmet, and take the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God.
18 Pray in the Spirit at all times and on every occasion. Stay alert and be persistent in your prayers for all believers everywhere.*
You see, my God is with me always, as if there is no one else for Him to be with! He gives me power.........He gives me armor!
Did you see the part about Fiery arrows of the devil! Wow!
This is a little scarry...but I must walk by faith....and not by sight!
Thank you God for loving your children so!
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Most of these thoughts and words are not mine. I have the Holy Spirit alive in me....and often have no idea what is going to be written until I read it as it is being typed. It's awesome!
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I owe sooo much........everything!
About Me

- storylady
- I love my life...most of the time. Daddy always said, these are the cards you've been dealt, no re-dos, do the best with what you've got! I sure did love that man!