Saturday, May 3, 2008

Did you ever let somebody down...........

I am struggling with importance. I know it's not a matter of life and death, but if you want something for a special day, or event and but for no reason of your own, it does come.....aren't you disapointed.

Well, I gave this booking party, for 'Thirty-one'. I think this is my friends site. It's a Christian based business and has some quality products. Neat stuff!

Well, back to my story.......

Now I'm waiting for the shipment so I can deliver the orders. And one of my dear friends is waiting for purse to take on vacation and now the company says it should ship at the beginning of the week and she leaves Wed am! It's going to be close!

I hate letting people down...........

Now you ask, how am I going to tie this in...........

I have let my Father down soooo many times.....and didn't even think about it. I've never not heard and alcoholic say, 'I'm not hurting anyone else, just myself' and that is so false. I've seen my whole family shed so many tears over my dad's drinking. I wonder how many I caused......

I wonder how many times I hurt my Fathers heart? It's one thing to hurt someone, and be so sorry, but it's another thing to hurt their heart and not even care.

We have a heavenly Father that cares about everything in our lives. And like a good Father, no matter what....He loves us. He forgives us and what still amazes me.....when we ask to be forgiven we are and He forgets our sins!

It is a great feeling to have this knowledge. It is a great responsiblity to do what doesn't hurt the Father. And the only way to know this is to read the instruction book..........

Read your Bible everyday! When I'm rushed and don't think I have time, if I'm faithful to take the time, God always gives me the power to get all my 'stuff' done. He's AMAZING!!!

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I love my life...most of the time. Daddy always said, these are the cards you've been dealt, no re-dos, do the best with what you've got! I sure did love that man!