Out of the mouths of babes.....
How on earth can we be so judgemental of others when they are blind. They have never heard the truth. They think we speak in code. They think we are a 'secret society'.
My 15 year old had a friend from school visit our church for the youth Sunday night worship. After she got home from eating and 'hanging out', she told me this kid had attended. They studied 'Moses'. I don't know exactly what part of Moses' life was shared, but he told my daughter he either never heard of Moses or of the exact story of Moses they where speaking on, I don't know which, but it blew me away.
Growing up with two Christian parent, who as children, well, I guess there whole life, always attended the same church. I guess I just realized that. My mom is 86 and dad went home to Our Father 11 years ago, and I just realized they always went to the same church. I didn't meet my husband until I was 18 years old, so we didn't always go to the same church. Anyway, that is way off the subject!
It is hard for me to realize that a kid that just turned 15 doesn't know everything about Moses. It's not like he had a small part in the Bible. I mean, he was THERE when God wrote the 10 Commandments. He was the only one there! It's not like he was Jabez, or Esther or Ruth.....I mean Moses. And I was complaining about things I feel the Lord is wanting me to do. But Moses, boy, God had a list of "to dos" for him. It's a good thing that Moses didn't get that list all at once. Let's see.....get the millions of Jews out of Egypt, talk to God, feed these people, oh yeah, for 40 years, part the Red Sea! Wow! And this 15 year old NEVER heard of him, or one of the many things he had done, for our God!
I need to listen to people better....Mama always said I have two ears and one mouth, I should listen twice as much as I talk! And I need to listen to God. Not concentrate on what I can't do, but what I can do with His power--ALL THINGS ARE POSSIBLE!
So now, Oh Lord, keep my eyes and ears open. Let me be a broken vessel that your light shines though! I want everyone to know the sacrifice that you made for me and all that will hear. Oh God, your love is so awesome--please let me hear and obey your wish for me!

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