Artist: Chris Tomlin
Album: See the Morning
Strength will rise as we wait upon the Lord
We will wait upon the Lord
We will wait upon the Lord
Our God, You reign forever
Our hope, our Strong Deliverer
You are the everlasting God
The everlasting God
You do not faint
You won't grow weary
Our God, You reign forever
Our hope, our Strong Deliverer
You are the everlasting God
The everlasting God
You do not faint
You won't grow weary
You're the defender of the weak
You comfort those in need
You lift us up on wings like eagles
Last Sunday, a very dear church friend asked me to give a little short (2-3 minute) prayer for our music minister, who is going on sabbatical for the next 3 months.
As I pulled out of the parking lot at church, I thought, have I lost my mind? How could she possible think I'm qualified to give a prayer over this lady? She became a christian very early in life, and as her testimony goes, and I have no doubt that she is being modest about her dedication, she felt a huge pull to be in service to God in a big way! While she was planning her next step of faith and service, I was practicing my next 'two-step' and how to pay for the next big weekend of partying! How could I possible be qualified? I also have issues with my 'weight' and I can hardly stand on my knees which have to be replaced? What kind of 'spectacle' will that be, if I stumble and fall? How painful will it be to stand? Will I go mute and not be able to talk at all!
Plus I'm a big time procrastinator! I knew I would be worrying about it all week and Friday or even possible Saturday, be trying to over and over rewrite the prayer, practice saying it over and over and timining it some many times I loose count....had I lost my mind. There were so many other women who are so much more eloquint in speach, and much more able to quote verses, word for word. I so much want to be able to memorize my favorites, and pray for that ablility, but my mind will hold on to the concepts, but the words will not stay. Maybe too much drinking in my younger years (19 years of sobriety--praise God!)
So, I finally realize, I had said yes and would just do what I needed to do, to get this chore done and be done with it!

Mondays, my Bible study usually is going through the notes of the Sunday service and rereading the verses used and then reading preveious verses and the next ones (to see how the story ends) and sometimes reading chapters if not the whole book (I have the Bible on CD's and DVD's so alot of it is following along as someone else reads it--it's great!) So last Monday started off like all the other Mondays, praying to hear from God and to totally understand what He wanted ME to hear.
I was amazed when I felt He was telling me to close my Bible!?! God telling me to close my Bible. I must have my wires crossed! Why would God tell someone to CLOSE the Bible?
Then I felt as if He wanted me to open up the WORD program and get started on the prayer. What, it's only Monday! I have days to dread that chore left!

Well, I opened the word program and was amazed as my poor arthritic fingers flew across my laptop! What even amazed me more, was the beautiful treasure that I read on my screen. What an amazing, awesome prayer! I was so afraid people would think it was my words, when I am only the vessal carrying the water!
My God is awesome! I read and timed the prayer only once...2.5 minutes....but I was speaking I could slow it down a bit. I read it a couple of times more and sent it to my friend who had requested me to do this. She answered back that it was beautiful and she wished she had thought of it! (Me too!) I shared it with my best friend, Shelly, and she liked it and so did my family. So that was it! It was done! I reread it Friday and once on Saturday night and once Sunday morning before service.
Here is a copy of God's prayer, for Jan, through me:
O, My Father, I come before You this morning, asking for my sister Jan’s peace in her upcoming time away from us.
I pray that she becomes like the tree that You have created and that I have come to love. The beautiful Willow Tree.
As You gave us the great Weeping Willow, You gave us women a great gift. The gift to openly weep, during fearful times, painful times and during great happiness. My prayer is that as Jan releases these feelings, she will feel You rejoicing with her, and You will release her pain and conquer her fears.
You have made this tree strong, and I pray, you will continue to stay close to Jan and make Your ways known to her so clearly, that she will be strong in her decisions as she continues so faithfully in Your service.
You made this tree grow beside streams and waterways, as it’s roots reach down into the earth and thirst for refreshing water. Please continue to let Jan feed from the living water our Savior provides in us and let her knowledge flow from the Spirit of our Lord. Continue the thirst for the relationship she desires with the Father that sent His precious Son, so that we would be able to come to You.
You made the branches so delicate that they blow in the wind. The slightest of breezes causes it to move. Let Jan be so in touch with You, that the slightest need for adjustment and change will be felt and she will bow to Your desire.
The amount of shade and rest area is great under this amazing tree. As Jan is able to travel this world You have made for us, let her feel and know that no matter how far she is from this church home, that she is still under Your care.
I know, dear Lord, this sister through Christ You have given me, is Your faithful servant, but has been so busy in Your service, she needs to rest. Please let her feel Your wonderful peace as she gets the rest her body and mind so need. Let her feel that the worries and busyness of her daily life will be covered by Your power, and she may enjoy the fruits of her labor in a blessed way.
And in Jesus our Saviors name, I ask that she goes in peace, knowing our love and prayers will follow her.
There was very little nerveousness. My daughter even asked me Sunday on the way to church if I was nerveous, and I said 'no, should I be!?!' It is amazing what happens when we move over and let God!
Many people, including, dear Jan, came up to me and commented on the beautiful prayer. I had to agree, but with humility and modesty....because all I supplied was an almost complete willing heart, fingers, a laptop and a word program....God supplied the rest!

It has been one of the greatest experiences in my life. Thank you Stacy for asking me to do this. Thank you Jan, for giving me such a wonderful example of a faithful woman for both me and my daughter to call friend, and thank you God, for showing up and doing it all!
I wish the lyrics were in English
I found the lyrics:
I will bless the Lord forever
I will trust Him at all times
He has delivered me from all fear
He has set my feet upon a rock
I will not be moved
And I'll say of the Lord
You are my Shield, my Strength
My Portion Deliverer
My Shelter, Strong tower
My very present help in time of need
Whom have I in heaven but You
There's none I desire beside You
You have made me glad
And I'll say of the Lord
You are my Shield, my Strength
My Portion Deliverer
My Shelter, Strong tower
My very present help in time of need
Title: Made Me Glad
Artist: Hillsong
Album: Blessed
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