Wednesday, April 30, 2008

New Living Translation of the Bible
Psalm 56

8 You keep track of all my sorrows.*
You have collected all my tears in your bottle.
You have recorded each one in your book.

If you like this version you can access it for FREE

"You keep track of my sorrows."---

I don't know about you, but besides my mother (and she don't know it all) I'm not sure anyone has kept track of my sorrows--or even cares to! But my heavenly Father, my awesome God, has kept track of ALL my sorrows.

"You have collected all my tears in your bottle."

What, my pain, disappointments, sorrow, joy.....those tears of these feelings are so important to you, that you collect them in a bottle! I'd say, yes you care. You collect my tears!

That's what I call.....

Not one bit of selfishness or what about me...what are you going to do for me...are you always going to be there for me?

Do you think....

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I'm not sure this song 'fits' as well as others, but I haven't heard it for a long time and I love to listen to Steven Curtis Chapman. One of the first modern Christian singers I ever heard.

For the Sake of the Call

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I love my life...most of the time. Daddy always said, these are the cards you've been dealt, no re-dos, do the best with what you've got! I sure did love that man!