Sunday, April 27, 2008

A gifted blogger......

Someone called me a gifted blogger......
would any of you take that as a compliment?

I took it as a
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So much so that I probably quoted it 20 times in one day to my hubby. His comment was, 'I'm going to clobber him!', refering to the person that sent the nice comment!

Hubby didn't get it. I finally broke it down to him. I obviously need to be complimented more, if I hold on to one so much. I think he understood what I said, but it's been about 6 hours and no compliment yet!

Everyone needs a......
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Want to be a successful husband or a good boyfriend?

A few nice words go a long way! Us girls have a L O N G memory!

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So did I get your attention! And do it often...several times a day! Don't lie, just say nice things about what you like!

Why am I talking to you guys? Because I really believe most gals do it automaticly! We're.......

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So remember this...............
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I must be reason I took this as a great compliment is that it came from our pastor.

So from me,
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Richard and from Terry.....well, I'm sure he'll be talking to you himself!

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I love my life...most of the time. Daddy always said, these are the cards you've been dealt, no re-dos, do the best with what you've got! I sure did love that man!