Sunday, July 26, 2009

I had a touch of the stomach flew Satuarday night, so I missed church, but I had Terry (hubby) bring me the program and had him tell me about the service. Here was the video they showed!


Now I will go to and listen to todays sermon! Technology can really be awesome!

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Free Hit Counters

Most of these thoughts and words are not mine. I have the Holy Spirit alive in me....and often have no idea what is going to be written until I read it as it is being typed. It's awesome!

Do you believe in a higher power?

My Higher Power

My Higher Power
I owe sooo much........everything!

About Me

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I love my life...most of the time. Daddy always said, these are the cards you've been dealt, no re-dos, do the best with what you've got! I sure did love that man!