Tuesday, November 11, 2008

What does the word "Christmas" stir in you?

I think a lot of people--and being a women--this is what it use to mean to me--HELP!

It was a time of finding the perfect gift for the person! Getting the house ready and planning a meal (we had the biggest house, so Christmas was celebrated at our home!)

Does any of this have anything to do with Christmas? Sadly, it has become the normal and a quick visit to a church on Christmas Eve to satisfy the guilt of what we celebrate most at Christmas!

But about 20 years ago, it got easier. I worked with a lady that had all presents bought and wrapped by Thanksgiving, then she could enjoy the holidays.

What does enjoying the holidays mean to you? Celebrating the birth of my Savior, that is what it means to me.....and the following image had a great part of putting Jesus back at the center of my Christmas!

I'm lucky, I had loving Christian parents and even though there weren't a lot of presents, Christmas was great! Hear below are two of my many favorite Christmas memories of Christmas pasts!

My mom and dad were wonderful Christian parents. Mom was the stay-at-home mother, and dad was the sole financial supporter. Dad finished concrete for a living. Living in St. Louis, that meant that he was lucky if he got 10 months of work in for the 12 month year. Luckily, his profession had a strong union and he got ‘vacation stamps’ for every hour her worked and unemployment in the winter, when there was no work. Mom was in charge of paying the bills and stretching 9 or 10 months worth of pay over 12 months. There were three of us girls, and dad wanted all his girls to go to college. In the months of plenty (lots of summertime overtime) we lived modestly, so there would be money in times of little. (Both coming from farm families, this must have been born in!)

We got a few little presents, usually clothes for Barbie and tights (like pantyhose, but thicker and in colors and kept our legs warm) and then one nice new toy. Be the middle daughter, I always got hand-me-downs—clothes, toys and bikes. One year I wanted a new (not just new to me—but new) bike. They had just come out with skinny wheels and sleek bikes, and I wanted one.

Mom and dad had a way of making Christmas exciting, but that Christmas morning, when I went down the hall and saw there was no bike in front of the tree, I was very disappointed, but faked it as well as I could. We all took turns opening one present at a time, and thanking each other for the gift. I remember that after all the presents seemed to have been opened, daddy reached underneath the tree skirt and there was a small flat box with my name on it. I open it, and there was a note, telling me to go to the bathtub. Our shower curtain was never closed, but this morning it was! I threw back the curtain, expecting to see my new bike, and there was an envelope, with a note in it, telling me to go to the back porch, so I tore down the hall, through the dining room, through the kitchen and throwing open the back door, and there on the table, another box! I opened it and surprise, another note, telling me to proceed to the basement and to look behind the furnace! As my mother told me to be careful going down the steps, I flew down the step and went behind the furnace, and low and behold, another note! It said to go to the bathroom—what—been there! So, a little slower, I went back upstairs, through the kitchen, through the dining room, down the hall, into the bath room, and to my surprise, the shower curtain was closed again. I pull the curtain back, and there with a big bow (made out of tissue paper) was a bright shiny black, skinny tired new bike!

The bike has probably rusted away many years ago, but the fun my parents put into Christmas lives on forever!

Same great parents and another Christmas. My parents only left us once a year—the bowling banquet. Our church had a bowling league and it was a very small bowling alley with only 12 lanes, and our church took it over every Tuesday night. We normally had to take our homework down to the alley and do our homework there. Mom and dad rented the shoes and borrowed the alleys bowling balls. Most couples had their own, but not my folks.
Dad wrapped moms’ present early that year. A completely square small box about 4x4x4 and very heavy. None of us girls knew what it was! It was the game for the next 6 weeks—guessing what was in the box and what would daddy have gotten mother for Christmas.

So Christmas morning comes and daddy makes a quick trip downstairs and sneaks back upstairs, just as mom is opening her present. She tears the paper off and it’s a box of shotgun shell! What’s this we asked and dad, standing behind mom lays a brand new bowling bag, with an undrilled bowling ball in it and a gift certificate for bowling shoes! Mom cried and dad smiled from ear to ear! It was a great Christmas, and again, the present is long gone (mom’s going to be 88 in January) but the fond memory of the way the gift was given lives on in my mind forever!

This is what I want to leave my daughter! When the presents are long gone, I want the memories to bring a smile and maybe a little tear of joy, for what a great feeling it puts in her heart!

Monday, November 10, 2008

How honest are you?

Our church recently had our 10th Birthday party. Before the celebration, our music worship leader, thought it would be great to show how God had changed lives in our church. She had seen a YouTube video on 'cardboard testimonies'. They are 'short and sweet' and were very moving. Not long after she put out the call, she personally contacted me through email and asked if I would participate. Again, without much 'thought' (which was a good thing) I felt God saying, tell the world what I did for you!

This means showing the ugly pit you dug for yourself! These are people I see at least once a week in the 'house of God'! Who wants to see the nasty part of my life? Who wants to remember and share something like that?!? But isn't that how God advertises? Doesn't everybody want to be known by their successes?

So here is my church, and I, my husband and my daughter are the last ones to show our struggles. I'm handicapped, so I wasn't on the stage, but she wanted to use me anyway.

Cardboard Testimonies from Jan Owen on Vimeo.

Well, if that doesn't tear you up, and stir up any emotions in you, I don't know how much hope there is for you!

I want to thank Jan Owen, our worship minister, for listening to God, and for putting together this video and her son Daniel, who video taped it and edited it. What a day it was! The picnic afterwards, was great and the day was perfect! God must have been pleased to see His children be so faithful to share their dark times and how we now live in His light.

You are never too gone, and it is never too late......all you have to do is ask, repent and accept Jesus Christ as your Savior and ask Him to live inside you! Then find a good Bible teaching church and read the Bible and follow the word. Don't wait until you clean your life up--it's never going to happen, and God can do it with the twinkle of an eye!

God Bless!

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

This makes my best friend smile.......

I like it when she smiles, so here it is.....watch it and listen to it as much as you want!

And this one is one of my favorite and makes me smile!

Watched this yesterday and decided to put it one here!

I felt led to post this one.

Any of you that know me, know that music, real worship music, moves me! I feel like I am so 'praising' the Lord my God, when I raise my arms and sing with feeling the words of the song. All of you on the worship team have seen me wiping tears. This is another one that moves me!

This has been a strange day. I've spent in prayer and worship and in song (another form or worship for me) and in my Bible! May God continue to Bless America!

Monday, November 3, 2008

I'm being stretched......AGAIN!

$450 Billion dollars! I'm an old accountant, and it would take me awhile to figure out how many zero's to put on the back of that figure, if I were to write it out!

$10 Billion dollars! Another large number....and what are the significance of these numbers you ask!

Watch this:

Advent Conspiracy Intro - 2008 from Robert Terrell on Vimeo.

This was played at our church on Sunday.

As I pulled out, I thought of all the diseases that our country fights. Heart disease, cancer, high blood pressure, diabetes, alcoholism, drug addiction, obesity and the list goes on....but isn't clean water plentiful here. I would be starteled if the number of people dying from dirt water was high in this country.

Laura, my 16 yr old and I began talking about what we had seen on the screen (the above video) and how we could make things. She has a soap maker and just bought a 'tye-dye' kit. Of coarse, I knit a crochet and do some plastic canvas things....so gifts and ideas were just poor out of our mouths. Then I said, I wonder how much of that $450 billion dollars is later claimed on bankrupcy and never collected...and then we end up paying more for items at the store!?!

Our intrum pastor, Richard, is really making us all think! Just because it's always been done that way, don't make it right!

Have you ever heard this (supposedly) true story? Once there was a woman who cut the front part off her ham before placing it in the oven. The woman's daughter asked her, "Mommy, why do you cut off the front part of the ham?" The mother thought for a minute and said, "Well, I don't know. I suppose I do it because my mother always did. I'm sure she had a good reason. I'll have to ask her why." The next Sunday she visited her mother, the child's grandmother. "Mom," asked the mother, "Why did you always cut off the front part of the Christmas ham? The older woman sat and thought a moment. "Well, I'm not sure. I did it because my mother always did. Why don't we ask her?" Granny was sitting by the window in the living room when the three generations of women approached her. "We have to know," said the mother, "why you always cut the front part of the ham off before putting it in the oven?" "What?" asked the old woman, moving closer to hear more clearly. "Why do you cut off the end of the ham before baking it in the oven?" they repeated. "We know there must be a very good reason. Do the juices flow better? Do you get a better flavor? Does it cook more evenly?" The old woman laughed. "Oh, no, no, no, dear," she said. "It's simpler than that. Cutting off the end of the ham was the only way it could fit in my little oven."

Now my big question is, how do you please non-christian families that are very materalistic?

Got the answer?

Well, if you do....please share! I'm praying on this one, because I always get very nice gifts and think it would totally hurt their feelings to ask for not so much. And when you get something that you know cost alot (we got a new GPS tracker for the car last year).... you really feel you must give them something just as nice in return.

Well, let's take Thanksgiving now! It's just around the corner...and it means eating! Now that's what I call a holiday.....but wait.....I forgot....I'm on a diet! Oh dang!

Well, as bad as that is (turkey is a very good diet food), think of the day the Turkey is having! Is that known as his 15 minutes of fame?!?

I have a cartoon for you:

Don't ya just love it!?!

Well, I've said my peace and believe this is what I was suppose to do today!

May God Bless!

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Most of these thoughts and words are not mine. I have the Holy Spirit alive in me....and often have no idea what is going to be written until I read it as it is being typed. It's awesome!

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I owe sooo much........everything!

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I love my life...most of the time. Daddy always said, these are the cards you've been dealt, no re-dos, do the best with what you've got! I sure did love that man!