Monday, September 22, 2008

How would you prepare to celebrate a church birthday......

maybe like mom use to say, 'get your Sunday-go-to-meeting clothes on and let's go!'

I remember fighting with 'tights' (similar to pantyhose, but thicker [so younger kids couldn't destroy them as easy]) and the color had to match the outfit mom had picked out for us to wear or even worse, the ruffled socks--and the most frightening thing that could happen--mom pulled out the outfits that matched your sisters'!--Like you really wanted people to know you were related to HER. And to cap off the outfit, pretty shoes that squeezed your toes and left a red-mark or worse, a heel blister (that would just be healing by the time next Sunday rolled around--when you had to squeeze your foot into them again!) Yea, they were cute, but it's hard to hear God talking to you when your feet are YELLING that they hurt! Oh yea--those were the good old days--well not at our church!

I got up Sunday, slipped in to some casual black slacks, put on a casual top, put on a little make-up and my tennis shoes, grabbed my Bible, and off to church we went.

What else was different? I was amazed that number one, we were on the way to church and number two, the topic in the car was football! I just know the 'Body snatchers' have set pods down and changed who we are! These are not the people we were, ten years ago, before we started attending The Brook. Actually, our ten year celebration will be Palm Sunday!

Then I realized, as we had turned off of Hwy 72, onto the long driveway to church, past the neat new electronic sign--with color now--awesome---that I was doing it again! What you ask? Going past my comfort zone. Oh, yeah, I've been out of the closet to my friends, as a recovering alcoholic, for years, but I'm going to stand up and raise a sign with my 'dirty laundry' out there for everyone to see!

And here it is:

There I am--showing everyone that I was a drunk!!!

Then I turn the cardboard over:

And people clapped! They clapped! And I'm crying as I think about that! My ugly scar changed by God to a beauty mark! And I felt God's joy, for being obedient, for sharing, and bragging about how He had changed me! Only my Mighty God could have done that!

I want to thank so many people. I don't know where to start! Willowbrook Church in Huntsville, for their vision and obedience to God for supporting our little church until we could stand on our own--financially!

The dear repair man, who came to fix our recliners that had a recall and told us of the new church in Madison. (God always has his ducks in a row!)

For dear Steve and Felicia Lacy, for their years of dedication to God and the family members of this church.

For all the staff who worked with almost nothing but faith!

To Linda Jones, who became a friend and mentor to me as I began my walk with Christ.

And now to my dearest friend, Shelly, who calls me on the carpet, at times, but loves me unconditionally, whether we agree on things or not!

And most of all, to My Holy Father, who never gave up on me, even when I turned my back on Him and went and did things I'm not proud of! He has forgiven me and forgotten them! He is SO AWESOME.

It would be wrong of me not to mention a few more. To Jan Owen, our Worship Minister, for her, at times, exhausting work to make everything so wonderful to worship our Father! Her love of


are a great combination to fill God's church with a 'new song'. She gets to 'jammin' for Jesus' and I could sit there all day and listen to the Praise Team! You can visit her on A Worshipful Heart.

We also have a great youth leader for our middle school and high school students. Josh has a true heart for God that can't be contained when he speaks about his Lord. You can visit his blog just simply known as Josh Britt

And new to our family at The Brook is Richard Buckley, who not only brings a honest and true love of God, but a maturity, peace and joy that has truly helped heal our church! I know he was an answer from God when so many of us where wondering the desert, afraid that we had lost the joy forever! You can check out Richard's blog, NEW HEIGHTS and see for yourself what an amazing pastor our God sent us to give us His Amazing peace!

I'd like to thank Bill Rainey for the awesome pictures he took and posted on his site, Bill's Personal Website and that is where I got the two pictures of me above! Bill also plays a guitar in our church band.

As you can see, he's a real cool cat!

And since I always like to leave a smile on everyone's face, my greatest fear was that I would show the wrong side first. That I had been sober for 19 years and now I've been drunk for 18! LOL! Boy, that would have brought the rafters down! I love to say that I've finally been sober long than I was drunk! There's a saying among longtimer that have several years of sobriety. The further you get from your last drink, the closer you get to your next one! I pray my next one is due a few hours after I've been in Heaven!

And I know I post this alot....but it seems so appropriate with the 'cardboard testimonies'!

And I loved this, it really explains to me what God is doing in my life!

Enjoying every moment, while being excited about tomorrow!

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Where do I put this one.....

Some of you that know me well, know I have several seemed only right, I have several passions.....but few great loves.....and as a wise man use to say to me all the time, the strongest dog is the one you feed the most.

I blog more on this blog than all my others put together! I guess because I'm learning to put God first, and all else falls into place! Yes, I love God the most! Why? Because He loved me when I wasn't lovable! He sent His Son, Jesus Christ, to live a PERFECT life and to die on the cross for my sins! I've heard that since I was a baby, but it came to life for me when I saw 'The Passion of Christ'! It wasn't the dying! It was the pain, the humility and the broken heart! God did something I could NEVER do.....offer my daughter's life (and it's not sin-less!) for scoundrels, thieves, drunks, murders and the lowest of the low!

So, now you know my greatest love, (God), here are some of my others!

Terry Lee Hortter--I know he is the man God chose for me! I don't think anyone else could put up with me! He is the Ying to my Yang! He is everything I am not..he completes me.

Laura Lynn Hortter--my miracle baby after my sinful life and 21 years of being childless! She is my gift from God and a little angel! What a heart this child has! I have never seen such an amazing kindness from the heart of a child this age!

Alma Ray Story--my father--the man who gave me my love for God, family and country! He had a passion to never meet a stranger! The man could talk to anyone and had a passion to leave everyone smiling! I miss him greatly, but look forward to seeing him 'at home'!

Maxine Story--my mother. A stay at home mom that instilled high morals and the belief that women could reach for the stars! She is a dear woman and 87 years young!


Now, my reason for this post!

On the way home from the football game Friday night (Bob Jones 46-Florence 22!), and we had gone to Steak n Shake--I saw the sign at Asbury church that said, Sept 13, 2008--and I realized it was an anniversary. I asked Terry, do you know what today is? He said, '12 Sept', to which I replied, 'it's after midnight!' He said, 'okay--the 13th".

Then I informed him and Laura and Adam (her boyfriend of 17 months) it was our 40th anniversary of our first date! I was a senior in high school and he was a freshman at the University of Missouri, St. Louis! Life was great! I had more fun and turmoil that year than should legally be allowed! But I had found the man I would marry!

It was a Friday the 13th! Who in their right mind would start a new relationship on that day?!?

Terry was a friend of my older sisters. She was a senior in college and they met at the campus Baptist Student Union and became good friends. Terry had just broken up with a girlfriend and Fran, my sis, didn't like the guy I was dating--no body did--that's probably why I was dating him!

Well, we went to a movie (For Love of Ivy with Sidney Poitier)

at the splendid
Fox Theater
(one of those extreme theaters of the late 40's--rehabbed and beautiful!) but as usual (I found out later) Terry got turned around and we ended up going through an alley in the city of St. Louis--and out jumped a black cat

--did I tell you it was
So as the drama queen I was, I 'demanded' he back up and un-cross the path we had just crossed--which he refused to do! So I knew the night was doomed! (but not in God's eyes!)

We then went to Ponticello's Restaurant, one of the great Italian restaurants in St. Louis county. There are greats in the city of St. Louis know as "The Hill", a quaint area of little Italians that live in their own little world! And we had Pizza

my favorite food in the whole world--I do believe I could eat it 3 times a day, 7 days a week, and never get tired of it!

Then it was time to end the evening, but to my surprise--out came running my sister (and Terry's friend) and demanded that he take us to the airport! I thought this was kind of rude! Then Fran explained that one of my cousins (I had 96!--Mama and daddy came from BIG families!), was at the airport on a long lay-over and was on his way to Vietnam! So I shyly look at Terry and asked if it was okay. I asked what time he had to be home, and he said he had to get the girl home before her curfew, and that was his only curfew! Mom and dad only had one car at the time and they and my baby sister, had already left for the airport. I think this is when the magic happened. My parents, yes even daddy, fell in love with Terry. He was respectful, kind, smart and not hard on the eyes at all, and he was my missing piece! We sat there until about 4 am and spent an amazing time with Joe Story, who would be serving the US and the Army for the next year in Vietnam. 1968 was not a good year to be going to Vietnam. I think the fact that we came to spend time with him, gave him some peace. We joined hands and prayed for him and his safety before he got on the plane. With having 96 cousins, there were only a few (girl cousins my age) that I was close with, so it was nice getting to really spend time with Joe.

Then Terry insisted on taking ME home, so the rest of the family loaded up in their car and I got in Terry's daddy Buick--a very nice--big car. I later found out Terry owned a Comet (known as the Vomit!) that sometimes ran and when it did it looked like a mosquito sprayer!

Well, that's a summary of our first date--just over 40 years ago--and I do it all over again to get to where we are now--a life with the love of my life--one of the best men and father's to ever walk this do I know? I was raised by one!

Thank you Father, my God above, for the man you gave me as my partner!

Thursday, September 11, 2008

I'm so human......forgive me!

Fear....lack of faith?

I have a dear friend that has had so many traumatic things happen to her and her family in the last two years, that I hurt for her. Recently she lost her leg because of complications of childhood diabetes. But it didn't keep her down. She got an artificial leg and off she went. Then came rashes and stomach problems. She is so small and frail now. Now pains in her chest, which they thought might be pneumonia, now shown to be a heart attack and she needs triple bi-pass surgery.

I shouted to God.....where are you? She's your child.....she's been through so much! Are you there? Can you hear me?

And I remembered a story where a man lost his son and cried out to God in the same manner--where were you? I trusted that you would not let my son die! Where were you, God? And God answered him, 'The same place I was when my son died.'

My God is there, and knows the future, and will not leave us! Here is a great song to remind us!

Thank you Chris Tomlin, but most of all, for your comfort and love, thank you God!

I will keep my friend in my prayers, and know with confidence, God is in control and has it all worked out!

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Most of these thoughts and words are not mine. I have the Holy Spirit alive in me....and often have no idea what is going to be written until I read it as it is being typed. It's awesome!

Do you believe in a higher power?

My Higher Power

My Higher Power
I owe sooo much........everything!

About Me

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I love my life...most of the time. Daddy always said, these are the cards you've been dealt, no re-dos, do the best with what you've got! I sure did love that man!